The Pieces of Blueprints, Drawing Installation, 2020
The Pieces of Blueprints, Drawing Installation, 2020
The Pieces of Blueprints, Drawing Installation, 2020
The Pieces of Blueprints, Drawing Installation, 2020
The Pieces of Blueprints, Drawing Installation, 2020
The Pieces of Blueprints, Drawing Installation, 2020
The Pieces of Blueprints, Drawing Installation, 2020
The Pieces of Blueprints, Drawing Installation, 2020
The Pieces of Blueprints, Drawing Installation, 2020

Hear me, 2019
Collaborative Intervention, Sound installation
Inside the church
Ten white boxes with a drawn ear on the top are placed throughout the church. In these boxes, people can hear small noises coming from daily life in privacy. Visitors can find the boxes, take them in hand, and hold them to the ear. They can also move them and replace them freely. Through this gesture, the sounds become close and intimate objects for each individual to listen to.
Outside the church
There is a public backyard, and six small speakers are hidden in this area. The two of them were attached to the iron tower of this church, and the other four speakers were inside bushes behind the stone benches. The sounds are the recorded noises such as washing dishes, showers, baking pancakes, someone snoring, and opening and closing doors. These daily inner noises surround the small courtyard and can be heard together in this outdoor space.